Friday, September 2, 2016

September is Here

After months of muggy weather and summer months, September is finally here. I always find myself eagerly anticipating the arrival of fall and the traditions and treats it brings with it. As the leaves change and the Virginia countryside basks in its seasonal splendor, I'd love to see your family for a photo session. Make this year a chance to mark the passing of time, the age and stage your little ones find themselves in, or just the beauty of a new season.

Contact me for more information (and see post below for specifics on fall options) or to schedule a session! xoxo


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016

Birthdays and Boys

What's the old saying? Snips, and snails, and puppy dog tails - that's what little boys are made of? I'd add water gun fights, superhero masks, and plenty of sugar. All the perfect ingredients for a 4 year-old boy's birthday celebration.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Beating the Heat

While in Dallas this month visiting my family, I had the chance to meet up at the park for photos with the Matlock family. Their son Henry is now eight months old and is pretty much perfect in every way.  Despite the sweltering temperatures, we captured some sweet family moments and lots of precious baby grins. Thanks, Matlocks, for sweating it out and for such a fun session!


Friday, July 29, 2016


There are many reasons I moved to Virginia, but a fondness for 100 degree summer days wasn't one of them. Despite the relentless heat and humidity, I've had the chance to find summer's splendor in a variety of places nearby. The scenery is spectacular, but fall is more than welcome to arrive any time now!


Monday, July 18, 2016


I will admit, it is a little odd to be taking photos of someone wearing winter clothes when it is 90 degrees outside, but Ella needed some updated shots for a project, and she is a trooper when it comes to being in front of the camera. So we decided her red cheeks were from the cold instead of the heat and laughed about pretending it was December. No matter the season, this girl is tops.


Monday, July 11, 2016


Full disclosure: she's mine, so I'm totally biased. But I think she's a beauty - inside and out.



Thursday, July 7, 2016

Three in a Row

This summer marked the third time I have photographed this sweet family. The first time I met them, their youngest was just a baby. Now both girls have blossomed into fun and funny (and beautiful!) kids who had a blast running through the green fields of King Family Vineyards, visiting the horses, and laughing with their mom and dad. It is such a privilege to get to know families and capture their story as it changes with time. Thank you, Fahrenkrog family, for trusting me with these memories!